Elements and basics of dystopian literature
History of Dystopian literature conveys stories about survival of a society that was fed up with oppression and deprivation and went for rebellion. Primary theme of dystopian stories is repression and rebellion. Best dystopian novels of all time depict a deprived environment where people are thirsty for freedom. Most stories happen in big cities that were ruined by pollution. The environment in stories depicts war, revolution, too much population and other tragedies.
Best selling dystopian books deal with imaginary depiction. Fiction in the stories adopts features from reality and examines them, but it never shows a modern society in general. These stories happen in the future, with themes of either today or yesterday. Dystopian novels for adults have characters that are strictly divided as intellect, class and able. For example, Brave New World have people divided as Alpha, beta, Gama and Epsilon.
Typical dystopian science fiction books did not have any social group other than the state or government control groups. These stories don’t have any independent religions among social groups, besides this, there will be a personality cult made by the state, in stories like ‘The Benefactor of We’ and ‘Big Brother in Nineteen Eighty Four’. Dystopian sci fi books destroyed the family institution, in Brave New World, for example, the children were procreated artificially.
Best teen dystopian novels conceived the family as in the service of the state, in 1984, for example, children were used to spy on their parents. Dystopian stories are emphasized on the inability of people to act against the brutal and oppressive government. We can feel Paranoia among people as they live in fear and are being observed, betrayed and manipulated. Some examples of Paranoia include ‘The Thought Police and the Thought Crime. Dystopian stories show more advanced technology and the state controls it.
The heroes always question society even though he is standing high within the social system. He looks for wrongs in the society and tries to change the whole system. There will be a group of people who don’t believe that state is supreme, and this group will help heroes. Dystopian heroes tries either to escape or to destruct the principals of the society, but he changes nothing and sometimes end up changed themselves to following the society rules.
Best Dystopian Novels for Adults is subgenre of science fiction where you can find fictive societies that are futuristic and many of them use features of science fiction like space flight, time travel, highly advanced technologies, etc. With these features and striking ideas, dystopian literatures win the hearts of readers all over the world. If you are interested in this genre of literature, you can now read them online!
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